How to Revolution?

Speakers & initiatives joining us:
Ruth Wilson Gilmore
(prison abolitionist scholar and organizer) -
Meytham Al-Mahdi (Labour Organiser)
Interventionistische Linke
Afgactivist Collective
CENÎ - Kurdisches Frauenbüro für Frieden (Kurdish Women's Office for Peace)
Staub zu Glitzer (Dust to Glitter)
Bewegungschule (Movement School)
European Alternative
Mothers of Khavaran
Je-Co Creation
Young Struggle
Ararat Collective
& many more groups and collectives
1 Year of the Jina Revolution - How Do We Wish to Further Organize Ourselves?
One year has passed since the murder of Jina Amini and the uprising of people in Kurdistan, Iran, and the diaspora. During this time, numerous collectives, initiatives, and unions have organized themselves. Through general strikes, demonstrations, sit-ins, and daily practices of civil disobedience, people have resisted the system of oppression. A year later, we have reached a critical juncture where we need to reflect and ask ourselves: how do we wish to further organize?
Revolution requires mobilization and organization, both of which necessitate strategies. Together, we aim to contemplate potential strategies for our collective political struggle while simultaneously connecting the various struggles. Let's recap together: what have we achieved so far? What has been particularly successful, and where must we alter our strategy? Which forms of protest have been chosen? What impact have they had? Which groups were involved in what capacity? What conflicts have arisen, and how have we addressed them? What were our weaknesses and blind spots? To what extent have we managed to foster an internationalist movement, and how can we achieve transnational practice? How can we link struggles and fight beyond national borders for a better and more just life for all? How can we mobilize the masses, and how can we achieve our goal - the revolution?
Now, we find ourselves at a critical juncture, pondering how to continue organizing the dismantling of this deeply exploitative, racist, misogynist, queerphobic, anti-poor, and anti-human system. Our goal is to achieve an abolitionist revolution that leads to real change rather than another system of oppression and exploitation.
Together with other grassroots, groups and collectives around the world, we'd like to invite you to come together to discuss and share our experiences: through participatory exchange we want to learn from each other, grow together and develop new strategies together.
The keynotes will be enriched by the presence of Ruth Gilmore who will provide an abolitionist, class-struggle perspective from other movements. In panel discussions, initiatives and grassroots organizations will be invited to discuss and exchange insights on their work. Workshops will facilitate constructive and participatory exchanges. We aspire to learn from one another, grow together, and formulate new shared strategies.
1 Year of the Jina Revolution - How Do We Wish to Further Organize Ourselves?
One year has passed since the murder of Jina Amini and the uprising of people in Kurdistan, Iran, and the diaspora. During this time, numerous collectives, initiatives, and unions have organized themselves. Through general strikes, demonstrations, sit-ins, and daily practices of civil disobedience, people have resisted the system of oppression. A year later, we have reached a critical juncture where we need to reflect and ask ourselves: how do we wish to further organize?
Revolution requires mobilization and organization, both of which necessitate strategies. Together, we aim to contemplate potential strategies for our collective political struggle while simultaneously connecting the various struggles. Let's recap together: what have we achieved so far? What has been particularly successful, and where must we alter our strategy? Which forms of protest have been chosen? What impact have they had? Which groups were involved in what capacity? What conflicts have arisen, and how have we addressed them? What were our weaknesses and blind spots? To what extent have we managed to foster an internationalist movement, and how can we achieve transnational practice? How can we link struggles and fight beyond national borders for a better and more just life for all? How can we mobilize the masses, and how can we achieve our goal - the revolution?
Now, we find ourselves at a critical juncture, pondering how to continue organizing the dismantling of this deeply exploitative, racist, misogynist, queerphobic, anti-poor, and anti-human system. Our goal is to achieve an abolitionist revolution that leads to real change rather than another system of oppression and exploitation.
Together with other grassroots, groups and collectives around the world, we'd like to invite you to come together to discuss and share our experiences: through participatory exchange we want to learn from each other, grow together and develop new strategies together.
The keynotes will be enriched by the presence of Ruth Gilmore who will provide an abolitionist, class-struggle perspective from other movements. In panel discussions, initiatives and grassroots organizations will be invited to discuss and exchange insights on their work. Workshops will facilitate constructive and participatory exchanges. We aspire to learn from one another, grow together, and formulate new shared strategies.
Speakers & initiatives joining us:
Ruth Wilson Gilmore
(prison abolitionist scholar and organizer) -
Interventionistische Linke
Afgactivist Collective
CENÎ - Kurdisches Frauenbüro für Frieden (Kurdish Women's Office for Peace)
Staub zu Glitzer (Dust to Glitter)
Bewegungschule (Movement School)
European Alternative
Deutsche Wohnen und Co Enteignen
Reconciliation Mothers of Kurdistan
Je-Co Creation
Ararat Collective
& many more groups and collectives
Prison Abolitionist Scholar & Organizer
Panel 2:
How can the revolution be supported from outside the political/geographical borders and from afar?
With the presence of Wafa Mustafa, Zolfar (afgactivist collective), Fetewei Tarekegn, Cenî – Kurdisches Frauenbüro
Panel 1:
How to connect different struggles?
With the presence of Fatemeh Goftari (Kurdistan Reconciliation Mothers), Mansoure Behkish (Khavaran Families), Azam Bahrami (Environmental Activist) and Somayyeh Kargar (Feminist Activist)
In this workshop, we will specifically examine the forms of protest from the past months and compile and analyze the pros and cons of different approaches from practical experiences. From demonstrations to sit-ins, we will explore which methods have indeed proven effective. Which approaches have successfully advanced our goals, and which have not? Why not? Additionally, we will contemplate which of these forms could be suitable for shaping our future activities. This workshop will be facilitated by initiatives that have chosen various approaches to organization in recent months.
This workshop is designed for those who aspire to establish a political organization but are unsure how to begin. Together, we will consider how transparency can be practiced, what sustainable work looks like, and what challenges may arise for other groups.
While right-wing, nationalist and anti-feminist forces are gaining in influence, many left-wing groups face conflicts within their own communities. These often lead to
difficulties in mobilising or splitting, and prevent us from building the strength we need to oppose right-wing forces.
How do we deal with these internal conflicts? How can we tackle the problems constructively without cancelling each other out?
And above all, what does this mean for our practice?
How can we, as parts of a movement, pool our strengths and resources? What strategies can we employ for collaboration? How do we navigate state or institutional actors and the risk of co-option by NGOs? How can we garner support from institutions, organizations, or politicians without diluting the political significance of the movement? And how can we collectively build international pressure without compromising the movement's integrity?
Power dynamics also manifest within political spaces: Who can attend plenary sessions, and who must care for the children? Who has a stable "home," and who worries about where to stay each night? Who holds multiple jobs and lacks time alongside wage labor? For whom are political spaces accessible, what language is spoken there, and who is addressed? All of these factors render political work impossible for many individuals falling within the (Diaspora) category. In this workshop, we intend to engage explicitly with these questions: How can we create a solidarity movement and bridge various struggles? Can we integrate the aspect of class struggle into our work? How can we transcend individual or group identities to mobilize the masses?
October 28, 2023
October 28, 2023
After Conference Gathering
October 28, 2023
Workshop 5: Mass Mobilization and Participation for all
Deutsche Wohnen & Co. enteignen, Krankenhausbewegung, European Alternative
October 28, 2023
Workshop 4: Building Strategic networks of Solidarity
Staub zu Glitzer Kollektiv, Interventionistische Linke Berlin, Democratic Platform of Iran
October 28, 2023
Workshop 3: Conflicts with owns community, Transformative Justice
October 28, 2023
Workshop 2: How to start organizing
Kali Feminist, Stareh Dolati, Mazdak Azar
October 28, 2023
Workshop 1: Forms of action and Protest
Je Co Creation, Zora Berlin, Lützi Bleibt
October 28, 2023
October 28, 2023
Workshop 5: Mass Mobilization and Participation for all
Deutsche Wohnen & Co. enteignen, Krankenhausbewegung, European Alternative
October 28, 2023
Workshop 4: Building Strategic networks of Solidarity
Staub zu Glitzer Kollektiv, Interventionistische Linke Berlin, Democratic Platform of Iran
October 28, 2023
Workshop 3: Conflicts with owns community, Transformative Justice
October 28, 2023
Workshop 2: How to start organizing
Kali Feminist, Stareh Dolati, Mazdak Azar
Arrival + Reigstration
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Arrival + Reigstration
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Arrival + Reigstration
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October 27, 2023
Arrival, Registration
October 27, 2023 at 12:00:00 AM
October 27, 2023
Keynote: Organizing changes
Ruth Wilson Gilmore
October 27, 2023 at 12:00:00 AM
October 27, 2023
Panel 1:
Inside Iran, organizing different
Fatemeh Goftari (Reconciliation Mothers of Kurdistan), Mansoureh Behkish (Khavaran), Somaye Karegar, Azam Bahrami
October 27, 2023 at 12:00:00 AM
October 27, 2023
October 27, 2023 at 12:00:00 AM